Soal pretest dilaksanakan di awal sebelum masuk ke materi les. Tujuannya untuk mengetahui sejauh mana kemampuan siswa


Latihan soal pretest matematika kelas 4 SD/MI

Silahkan isi data berikut ini

1 / 15

1. Panjang sebuah pensil adalah 15 cm, sedangkan panjang sebuah penggaris adalah 30 cm. Selisih panjang pensil dan penggaris adalah….

2 / 15

2. Banyak sudut pada segitiga ada…..

3 / 15

3. Banyak sisi pada trapesium ada….

4 / 15

Perhatikan tabel di bawah ini untuk mengerjakan soal nomor 3 dan 4!

4. Banyak siswa yang menyukai volly adalah....

5 / 15

5. Jenis olahraga yang disukai 9 orang siswa adalah....

6 / 15

6. Sungai nil memiliki panjang 6.650 km. Cara membaca panjang sungai nil tersebutt adalah....

7 / 15

7. Pada bilangan 6.745, angka 7 berada pada posisi ratusan. Jika angka 7 tersebut dipindahkan ke posisi satuan, dan angka 9 memasuki posisi ratusan, berapakah nilai bilangan yang baru?

8 / 15

8. SD Sejahtera melaksanakan lomba kebersihan, dan hasil poin adalah sebagai berikut:

Kelas 1: 1.234 poin

Kelas 2: 1.879 poin

Kelas 3: 1.654 poin

Kelas 4: 2.045 poin

Kelas 5: 1.998 poin

Kelas 6: 2.150 poin

Kelas yang mendapatkan peringkat 1, 2, dan 3 yaitu....

9 / 15

9. Hasil dari 360 + 72 : 8 – 84 : 12 = ….

10 / 15

10. Perhatikan gambar dibawah ini!

Jumlah pensil pada pola ketiga adalah….


11 / 15

11. Pada awalnya Andi memiliki 3 bola. Setiap hari dia menggandakan jumlah bola yang dimilikinya dan kemudian menambah 4 bola. Berapa banyak bola yang Andi miliki setelah 4 hari? (HOTS)

12 / 15

12. KPK dari 18 dan 20 adalah…

13 / 15

Perhatikan diagram berikut untuk menjawab soal nomor 13 dan 14!
Ani membeli permen di sebuah toko dengan rincian sebagai berikut :

13. Permen yang paling banyak dibeli oleh Ani adalah permen warna….

14 / 15

14. Banyak permen warna merah yang dibeli Ani adalah….

15 / 15

15. Apabila setiap simbol      mewakil dua buah boneka, maka banyak boneka jika simbolnya seperti ini adalah….

Your score is

The average score is 0%



Soal Post test diberikan setiap selesai mengajar 1 bab, soal ini menyesuaikan bab pada buku kurikulum merdeka



Latihan soal postest matematika kelas 4 SD/MI

1 / 15

  1. Cara membaca bilangan 6.734 yaitu…

2 / 15

2. Penulisan lambang bilangan dari “Sembilan ribu tiga puluh satu” adalah….

3 / 15

3. Bilangan yang menunjukkan tinggi bendera pada gambar di bawah ini dan cara membacanya yaitu….

4 / 15

4. Nilai tempat dari setiap angka pada bilangan 4.529 adalah…

5 / 15

5. Gedung sekolah A dihuni oleh 3.562 siswa, sedangkan Gedung sekolah B dihuni oleh 3.563 siswa. Gedung yang memiliki penghuni lebih sedikit adalah…. dan jumlahnya ….

6 / 15

6. Apabila bilangan berikut diurutkan dari yang terbesar menuju yang terkecil, maka diperoleh….
5.674, 5.647, 4.679, 4.769, 4.796

7 / 15

7. Budi menyimpan 378 stiker di kotak berwarna merah, 220 stiker di kotak berwarna kuning dan 152 stiker di kotak berwarna biru. Apabila Budi ingin membagikan semua stiker tersebut seacara merata kepada 10 temannya. Jumlah stiker yang didapat oleh masing-masing teman adalah….

8 / 15

8. Perhatikan gambar berikut!

Jika harga bola Rp 540,- per buah, harga keseluruhan bola adalah….

9 / 15

9. Faktor dari angka 45 jumlahnya…. angkanya yaitu….

10 / 15

10. Bilangan kelipatan 3 yang lebih dari 13 dan kurang dari sama dengan 27 adalah….

11 / 15

11. Bilangan berikut yang merupakan pecahan dengan pembilang satu adalah …

12 / 15

12. Perhatikan gambar berikut!

Perbandingan daerah yang diarsir dan tidak diarsir adalah …

13 / 15

13. Pecahan-pecahan berikut yang penyebutnya sama adalah …

14 / 15

14. Pecahan yang senilai dengan 2/3 adalah …

15 / 15

15. Bentuk persen dari pecahan desimal 0,18 adalah …

Your score is

The average score is 0%




Latihan soal post test bab 2

Silahkan isi data di bawah ini

1 / 15

Read the dialogue below for number 1 - 3.

Sinta: Dania, what is your favorit food?

Dania: I like meatball and noodle, but I hate porridge.

Sinta: Why do you hate porridge? Because I like it.

Dania: I don’t know, Sinta. And what is your favorite food?

Sinta: I really like pizza and burger.

Dania: Wow sounds nice.

1. Who doesn’t like eating porridge?

2 / 15

2. What is Sinta’s favorite food?

3 / 15

3. What is Dania’s favorite food?

4 / 15

4. What is “meatball and noodle” in Indonesian?

5 / 15

5. Look this picture below!

6 / 15

6. Arrange these jumble words into good sentence!

Like - burger - I - don’t

7 / 15

7. Tito likes to eat ...

8 / 15

8. Rania: Do you like mango juice?

Rama: Yes, that drink is my favorite!

Does Rama like mango juice?

9 / 15

9. Please translate into English!

“I enjoy eating fried chicken.”

10 / 15

10. Sania enjoys eating ...

11 / 15

11. What is “dinner” in Indonesian?

12 / 15

12. I have ... in the morning.

13 / 15

13. My sister drinks ... for lunch.

14 / 15

14. What the best time for dinner?

15 / 15

15. “Makan siang” dalam Bahasa Inggris adalah ...

Your score is

The average score is 86%




soal post test bab 3

Silahkan isi data di bawah ini

1 / 15

The dialogue for questions number 1 - 3.

Lala: What do you eat for breakfast?

Hasna: I eat bread and orange juice. How about you, Lala?

Lala: I eat porridge and milk, Hasna.

1. What Hasna does eat for breakfast?


2 / 15

2. What does “bread and orange juice” mean in Indonesian?

3 / 15

3. What does Lala eat for breakfast?

4 / 15

4. Arrange these words!

N - D - N - E - I - R

5 / 15

5. In the afternoon, I have ... with my friend at school.

6 / 15

6. The best response for the picture is ...

7 / 15

7. I always love drink ... for lunch.

8 / 15

8. What are they doing?

9 / 15

9. “Sarapan” in English is ...

10 / 15

10. My family have ... for dinner.

11 / 15

11. I like ... a book.

12 / 15

12. What are they doing?

13 / 15

13. Doni likes ... a bicycle

14 / 15

14. What is “bermain sepakbola” in English?

15 / 15

15. She likes ... because she has a good voice

Your score is

The average score is 86%




Latihan soal post test bab 4

Silahkan isi data di bawah ini

1 / 15

1. “I like studying with my friend.”

Please translate into Indonesian!

2 / 15

2. What are they doing?

3 / 15

3. Rara likes ...

4 / 15

4. Rara: Do you like cooking, Rania?

Rania: No, I like eating

What Rania does like to do?

5 / 15

6 / 15

6. Aldi: Do you like playing tennis?

Adit: No, ...

7 / 15

7. My hobbies are reading novels and watching movies.

What is the writer hobby?

8 / 15

9 / 15

9. What is he doing?

10 / 15

10. “Dania suka naik sepeda.” Please translate into English!

11 / 15

11. One ... has seven days.

12 / 15

12. The day before Monday is ...

13 / 15

13. I like swimming on Saturday. What is “Saturday” in Indonesian?

14 / 15

14. “She likes studying on Friday.” Please translate in Indonesian!

15 / 15

15. What is “Selasa” in English?

Your score is

The average score is 63%




Latihan soal post test bab 5

Silahkan isi data berikut ini

1 / 15

1. What do you like to do on Sunday?

2 / 15

2. I study Mathematic every Wednesday. What is “Wednesday” in Indonesian?

3 / 15

3. My mother likes to ... every day.

4 / 15

4. “Selasa, Rabu, Kamis.”

Please translate into English!

5 / 15

5. Today is Saturday. What was yesterday?

6 / 15

The text for number 6 - 8.

Doni is a third-grade elementary school student. Doni has many activities every day. He studies at school on Monday to Friday. He plays football on Friday, swims in the pool on Saturday, and plays with his friends on Sunday

6. What does Doni do from Monday to Friday?

7 / 15

7. What day does Doni swim?

8 / 15

8. What day does Doni play football?

9 / 15

9. The day after Wednesday is ...

10 / 15

10. Lala: Do you like studying every day?

Sarah: Yes, ...

11 / 15

11. The place to borrow a book at school is ...

12 / 15

12. Where should I go when I get sick?

13 / 15

13. What is “classroom” in Indonesian?

14 / 15

14. The place for music lessons is ...

15 / 15

15. “Perpustaan” in English is ...

Your score is

The average score is 80%




Soal post test bab 6

Silahkan isi data di bawah ini

1 / 15

1. What place is this?

2 / 15

2. It is a ...

3 / 15

3. Is it a computer room?

4 / 15

4. “The students play in the school yard.”

Please translate into Indonesian!

5 / 15

5. It is ...

6 / 15

6. This is …

7 / 15

7. The students are studying in ...

8 / 15

8. Arrange these words!

E - N - T - C - N - A - E

9 / 15

10 / 15

10. What is “aula” in English?

11 / 15

11. The pen is ... the desk.

12 / 15

12. The ball is ... the box.

13 / 15

13. My father is ... the dining room.

14 / 15

14. Rara is ... work

15 / 15

15. “Jakarta ada di Indonesia.”

Please translate into English!

Your score is

The average score is 53%




Latihan soal post test bab 7

Silahkan isi data di bawah ini

1 / 15

1. “The parking area is next to the canteen.”

Please translate into Indonesian!

2 / 15

2. The staff room is … many classroom

3 / 15

3. arrange these jumble words!

mosque - is - of - hall - the - front – the

4 / 15

4. Dania is … two cats

5 / 15

5. What is “behind” in Indonesian?

6 / 15

6. The parking area is … the storeroom

7 / 15

7. My house is … to the school

8 / 15

8. The cat is ... the table

9 / 15

9. The picture is ... the wall.

10 / 15

10. The plane is flying ... the sky.

11 / 15

11. What is he doing?

12 / 15

12. I ... fried chicken for lunch at the school

13 / 15

13. We ... together on the school yard

14 / 15

14. “The students study in the classroom.”

Please translate into Indonesian!

15 / 15

15. What is “membaca” in English?

Your score is

The average score is 0%




Silahkan isi data di bawah ini

1 / 15

1. What is she doing?

2 / 15

2. They play ...

3 / 15

3. Salsa ... at the mosque

4 / 15

4. please arrange these words!

Have - we - lunch - the - canteen - in

5 / 15

5. What activity do they do?

6 / 15

The text for number 6 and 7

Lala: Is there any club activity at your school?

Dania: Yes. There is scout, English club, Math club, broadcasting club, student council, and sport club at my school.

Lala: Can you join all clubs at your school?

Dania: No, we can’t join all the clubs. We can only choose maximum two clubs to join.

6. What activities are there at Dania's school?

7 / 15

7. How many activities can we join in at Dania school?

8 / 15

8. I join ... club because I like cooking

9 / 15

9. What is “sport” in Indonesian?

10 / 15

10. Please transalate into English!

“Kita mengerjakan pekerjaan rumah.”

11 / 15

11. My classroom is clean

Please translate into Indonesian!

12 / 15

12. The school garden is ...

13 / 15

13. Please translate into English!

“Area parkir sangat ramai.”

14 / 15

14. Dina has a ...

15 / 15

15. Arrange the letter below!

L - A - M - S - L

Your score is

The average score is 0%




Soal post test bab 9

Silahkan isi data berikut ini

1 / 15

1. The building is ...

2 / 15

2. The living room looks ...

3 / 15

3. Look at the picture below!

4 / 15

4. “The teacher is good and always looks fresh every day.”

From the sentence, which is an adjective?

5 / 15

5. My classroom is ...

6 / 15

6. We must be ... when riding a bicycle

7 / 15

7. Dina: How is the parking area?

Adit: It is ...

8 / 15

8. “Saya punya seekor kucing kecil.”

Please translate into English

9 / 15

9. My teacher is always friendly. What is “friendly” in Indonesian?

10 / 15

10. My friend at school likes to sing because her voice is ...

11 / 15

11. What is 20 in English ...

12 / 15

12. 45 - 13 =

13 / 15

13. It is ...

14 / 15

14. What is the number after forty-one?

15 / 15

15. What is “thirty-three” in Indonesian?

Your score is

The average score is 66%


BAB 10



Latihan soal post test bab 10

Silahkan isi data berikut ini

1 / 15

1. What number is it?

2 / 15

2. Forty-seven minus twenty-two equals ...

3 / 15

Text for number 3-5

My school has a library. There are many bookcases with different numbers of books. In the yellow bookcase there are 30 books, in the green bookcase there are 25 books, and in the red bookcase there are 40 books.

3. How many books are there in the green bookcase?

4 / 15

4. In the yellow bookcase there are ... books

5 / 15

5. How many books are there in the red bookcase?